Choosing the kind of career to follow is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Before you make this decision you will have to do a lot of thinking about who you are, about the things you like to do and the things you do well. It is an advantage to choose a future job while at school. It gives a goal to work towards and enables to choose a right, suitable course of study. When deciding your future you must be realistic about your interests, abilities and have confident about yourself at any moment of life -How to get future job by two important skills

Future of Job

Future of job is the World Economic Forum that has predicted 5 million jobs which will be lost before 2020 as artificial intelligence and robotics and other economic factors that can replace the need for the human worker.


Other lovely news is that those same technological advances will also create 2.1 million new jobs. But the manual and clerical workers who find themselves out of work are unlikely to have the required skills to compete for the new roles. Most new jobs will be in more specialized areas such as computing, mathematics, architecture, engineering and many more competent skills.

In every sector of Governments and employers are being urged to retrain and re-skill workers to avoid a crisis. Actually crisis is a big threat to the jobs of future as well as the present.

Report of World Economic Forum

Now a days without urgent and targeted action to manage the near-term transition and build a workforce with future-proof skills, governments will have to cope with ever-growing unemployment and inequality, and businesses with a important consumer base.

Skills for Latest Economics

Soft skills like sharing and negotiating will be crucial, he modern workplace, where people move between different roles and projects, closely resembles pre-school classrooms, where we learn social skills such as empathy and cooperation. Along with those soft skills, mathematical ability will be enormously beneficial.

change in share of jobs

Single skill set jobs in decline

A competent economic professor shows that in recent years, many jobs requiring only mathematical skills have been automated. Bank tellers and statistical clerks have suffered from different sort of problems. Roles which require predominantly social skills tend to be poorly paid as the supply of potential workers is very large.

The study of education and economic shows that workers who successfully combine mathematical and interpersonal skills in the knowledge-based economies of the future, should find many rewarding and required opportunities.

Refocusing skills education

The professor’s challenge is for educators to complement their teaching of technical skills like mathematics and computer science, with a focus on making sure the workers of the future have the soft skills to compete in the new jobs market. This is also a good points and important for the future jobs.


The mention skills could save your job along with a company and will make your job full of love. So the information that we mention is for your future job and we hope you can enough information about your career in upcoming future.


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